Saturday, November 27, 2010

Return to Blogging... Return to Project?

Every time I get motivated to blog, I forget how much I HATE writing. I really love the idea of blogging, and I always hope that hating to write will not be an issue. It's just my thoughts, after all. No grade on these. No one really reads them except me anyway.

Here's the truth. I got lazy. I did really well with the gym and cooking for awhile, but I got lazy. The trackers started intimidating me since I knew they were either stuck or moving in the wrong direction. So I stopped coming here. But I never stopped thinking about it.

It's time for a new plan, or a refresh of the old one. I liked the project. I thought it was a good idea, and if I had followed through, I surely would have seen some success from it. So I plan to take the next couple of weeks and get the plan together. Restart or remove the trackers and lay out new goals.

I let myself go and the only way to get ME back is to put some focus on myself. Back soon!