Thursday, December 30, 2010

Return to the Gym

Oh, the sweaty, out-of-breath feeling you get from exercise. I got that today... except mine came from the idea of going back to gym after an 8-month hiatus. I was so worried about what I would wear and look like, if I would find a machine to work on, would I be able to complete my 30 minutes without falling over, what the gym looked like now, would it be crowded, and would I remember my code or have to ask for it thereby admitting my lack of attendance to the front desk.

After all that worrying, it was actually quite uneventful. There were people there, but not so many since I went during the day when most people are working. Not us teachers, us course. :) I remembered my code on the first try! I did find that the gym changed pretty significantly. There was a huge expansion, so equipment had been moved around. There are many more treadmills and ellipticals now. And the fancy ones with the TVs attached, too. The only problem there is that they face mirrors. Not sure I'm ready for that yet, so I grabbed one of the old-fashioned ones. I did a full 30 minutes on the elliptical and then walked the indoor track for another 15. My heart rate got up and I burned 350 calories!

I guess the fear of going was worse than the actual trip there. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow?