Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back-to-School Blues

I will tell you that it's really easy to make all these plans when I'm sitting on my rear during school breaks. But my back-to-school schedule is kicking that rear. I had one little falter this week on Tuesday when I was so hungry after school that I ordered takeout for dinner. Not good takeout either.

But I had a moment listening to an interview on the Today show. One of the "Half Their Size" guests said that he had to make it through the first couple of weeks until his stomach adjusted to eating fewer calories and then it got easier. So every time I felt like I NEEDED to binge, I told myself not to give up.

Since I only really watched my eating habits for part of the last week, I lost 0.4 pounds. Nothing to really brag about, but at least the scale moved in the right direction. I also made it to the gym two times this week after school. I needed some convincing the first time... I was so tired. My 6th grade students convinced me that I should at least go for 30 minutes and then if I felt like leaving, I could. I didn't want to let them down, so I went. And the next day, that was the first thing they asked me.

Other than Tuesday, I have cooked every dinner at home. Tonight I even made something I never have before. I tried a new recipe called "Penne with Shrimp and Mushrooms" from the Weight Watchers cookbook Simply the Best. I have never cooked raw shrimp before and it was easier than I thought. Of course... not many foods tell you when they are done. haha. Even a novice like me was able to tell that the grey shrimp was done when it turned pink. I think more foods need a "tell" like that.

Anyway, the meal was good, but a little bland. And I have such an inexperienced pallate that I have no idea what to do to make it better. I'm hoping, with time, I will be able to tell those things.

The worst I have done is with cleaning. I am going to have to do three rooms this weekend to catch up with my schedule. I have just been so tired when I get home that I keep putting it off. My dust bunnies thank me. :)

Much snow here... I'm hoping for a snow day even though our superintendent is reluctant to call us off school. We even get 5 "free" snow days a year. We had about 2 inches already. We're supposed to get 2-4 overnight and another 2-4 tomorrow. If there were any day for a snow day, I think that would be it. But we'll see.


  • Health: 0.4 pounds down; 109.6 to go
  • Cooking: 6 dinners cooked; 202 to go
  • Cleaning: 0 times whole house cleaned; 26 to go