Monday, January 25, 2010

Long Time No Post...

I got a little off track over the past week or so. I kind of forgot why I was doing this, and I needed to remind myself. I slipped back into eating takeout, so last week was the first week I did not meet my goal to prepare at least 4 dinners at home. I am recommiting to that now. Especially since I took a sneak peak at the scale this morning and saw the number heading in the wrong direction. I'm hoping that a couple really good days will get that number to at least stay the same.

Don't be shocked, but I finally cleaned my house. My whole house in ONE day. Of course, I have a tiny house, so it only took my about 2 hours, but did I mention that I hate cleaning. I am going to try to keep up with it better now that I have a starting point.