Saturday, January 9, 2010

Redefining *Cooking*

After much thought and advice from my friends at Sparkpeople, I've decided to redefine what I meant by "cooking" dinner at home at least four nights a week. My true goal was to actually have control over what I ate for dinner by preparing it for myself. Since I am a takeout junkie, I thought that eating dinner at home would do me some good.

So instead of a goal of "cooking" dinner at home four times a week, I will say that I will prepare dinner at home at least four nights a week. This means if I make a salad or eat a bowl of cereal, it will fit my goal requirement in the literal sense. With this change, I ate dinner at home... prepared by me... SIX times out of seven this week!

I cooked spaghetti tonight for dinner. It wasn't the healthiest meal, but it was a craving I couldn't resist. You can't take the Italian food away from the Italian girl, capise?

I spent most of my time today being lazy. That means I did not do my cleaning, once again. I am thinking that might be a futile goal. I am just too attached to my dust bunnies, haha.

Tracking is now in the sidebar for easy access.