Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Define *Cooking*

So I've come upon a dilemma. I said I planned on "cooking" dinner at home at least 4 nights a week. The idea behind that goal was so that I would have control over what I was eating. So do I count eating a bowl of cereal as "cooking" dinner for the night? It does meet my goal of having control over what I ate, but I did not actually COOK it. What do you think?

I did get my snow day, thus getting in my exercise for today. There was a TON of snow to clear off the driveway. It took me over an hour and I wore my heart rate monitor so I could see the end result. I was in the "zone" for 55 minutes of the time and I burned 387 calories. But I was so tired. It felt like there was an elephant sitting on my back while I was shoveling. I took a nap afterward.

Cleaning is on the agenda for tomorrow... again.

Tracking: (has been moved to the sidebar)