Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cheating Myself

For the last three days, I have been cheating myself out of cooking points. For some reason, I got it into my head that I could only count points for NEW meals or recipes that I make. Which was totally not the idea of this. The idea was to control what I ate by actually making it myself. And I've COOKED the last three nights for dinner. Now, mind you, I have not created any gourmet meals here. I just made some buttered noodles on Friday and spaghetti on Saturday. But TONIGHT... I created a meal. Yes, I did. I probably shouldn't be so proud because it took me all of 15 minutes, but I am.

As I was grocery shopping today for healthy food to put in my refrigerator and pantry, this dinner idea came to me. I bought flatbread tortillas so I could make sandwiches for lunch. And I got the bright idea to use it to make a pizza for dinner. The idea just came to me... when I read on the package that they make good pizza. haha. So I bought some pizza sauce and cheese and viola! Pizza. Easy, easy pizza. Yummy, too. I posted the recipe on here:

I also bought some rubber gloves so I can start my big cleaning adventure. I'm sooo excited about that! *sarcasm*  But maybe my allergies won't bother me so much if there weren't so much dust around.

I tracked my food today and even did day 1 of the Sparkpeople bootcamp. It was hard because I'm so out of shape, but I did it and I'm taking credit for it. I packed my lunch for tomorrow and a change of clothes for the gym for after school. All good intentions...


  • Health: 0 pounds down; 110 to go
  • Cooking: 3 dinners cooked; 205 to go
  • Cleaning: 0 times whole house cleaned; 26 to go
Maybe we'll have a snow day off of school tomorrow...